Tuesday, January 03, 2017

Daily News Letter Dated 3rd January 2017-Gain from us. Visit: http://www.ibnservices.in or http://ibnservices.blogspot.in or http://nse-bse.blogspot.in or http://mcx-ncdex.blogspot.in

Daily News Letter          

Date: 3 January 2017


Prepared By: Manish Kumar Sarraf (Prop. IBN Services)

Designation: Research Analyst, SEBI Reg No. INH100001948

Address: K-7, 2nd Floor, Bal Udhayan Rd, Uttam Nagar, New Delhi-59

Phone: (91) 011-28565999; 9899909899; 9968443444; 9311353399

E-Mail: info@ibnservices.in or ibnservices@gmail.com

Yahoo / GTalk Messenger: ibnservicesdelhi or ibncommodity

Web: http://www.ibnservices.in; http://ibnservices.blogspot.in

Perf: http://nse-bse.blogspot.in; http://mcx-ncdex.blogspot.in



Last Close: 8179.50 (Down 6.30)

Resistance Levels: 8350, 8500, 8750, 9000, 9250

Support Levels: 7900, 7800, 7500, 7200, 7000


Last Close: 26595.45 (Down 31.01)

Resistance Levels: 27000, 27500, 28300, 29100, 30000

Support Levels: 25650, 25300, 24000, 23000, 22300

Sensex Range This Week: 26000—27000 above which it will touch 28000 & Below Target 25000; Good Support Closing Below 26000.


BTST/ STBT in last trade (Fut.):

Maruti (Sell – 5480, SL – 5520, Tgt – 5430 & Abv.)


Top 10 Equity Derivatives in the Last Session:

Ibrealest, Dlf, Indiacem, Jetairways, Nmdc, Irb, Ibulhsgfin, Ncc, Srtransfin, Tatasteel etc.


Market Commentary:

Market was dull in opening day of 2017 but action can be seen soon and Nifty can show southward movement. We will remain bearish until Nifty closes above 8400 for two consecutive days.

Hot Sectors For Today: Bank & Auto.


Trading picks for today:







Hot Today

IDBI (69.00)

Buy C/Fut. At 68.50—67.50




A very good mid-cap banking stock Tgt 75.

M&M (1230.65)

Sell C/Fut. At 1232—1245 




Limited upside seen but can fall sharply.

Derivative- Future (Strategy for today)

ICICIBANK (253.00)

Must Buy Arnd 252—249



Bel 246

Max Profits: Unlimited

Trade the given strategy for 1—2 days.

ICICI Put 250 (6.75)

Buy when you Buy Fut.

Hedging Position

  Max Loss: Rs. 7500

TATASTEEL (406.90)

Sell Around 408—417



Abv 421

Max Profits: Unlimited

High Risk High Gain strategy for 1—2 days.

TATASL Call 410 (11.90)

Buy when you Sell Fut.

Hedging Position

Max Loss: Rs. 8000

Derivative- Option Strategy

RIL Put 1080 (19.65)

Must Buy Around 18-12

Options Trading strategy with High Risk-- High Gain.

Max Profits: Unlimited

Trade the given strategy for 4-6 days, keep SL 1140

RIL Call 1140 (6.60)

Sell 2 Lots with put 1080

Max Loss: Rs. 15000

Investment Pick


Accumulate Arnd 7.70—7



Highly beaten stock, accumulate for low risk gain soon.


Monthly trading picks:

Monthly trading picks for January 2017

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Last Trade 2nd January 2017) Performance in all type of equity segment calls: Maximum Profit/Loss: Rs. 38295.00 Approx.


Weekly Equity Performance Report (26th – 30th December 2016):


Monthly Performance Equity Calls (December):


Monthly Performance Nifty/ Bank Nifty Calls (December):


Monthly Performance Commodity Calls (December):



Important Links

Phone Nos.: 91- 9899909899 OR 91- 9968443444 OR 91-11-28565999

Subscription Details: http://www.ibnservices.in or http://ibnservices.blogspot.in

Subscription charges for our calls in equity market: http://ibnequity.blogspot.in

Subscription charges for our calls in commodity market: http://ibncommodity.blogspot.in

Performance of our calls in equity market: http://nse-bse.blogspot.in

Performance of our calls in commodity market: http://mcx-ncdex.blogspot.in

E-Mail id.: ibnservices@gmail.com or info@ibnservices.in

Twitter: http://twitter.com/ibnservices

Face book: https://www.facebook.com/ibnservices

Messenger id: Yahoo OR GTalk: ibnservicesdelhi OR ibncommodity

Yahoo Group (Equity): http://finance.groups.yahoo.com/group/NSE_BSE/

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Leave your valuable Suggestions/ Complain/ Feedback here: info@ibnservices.in

How to trade with our calls: http://ibnguide.blogspot.in

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Any document /link/ website's, including this report, which is prepared by Manish Kumar Sarraf, the research person & proprietor of IBN Services (Research Analyst, SEBI Reg. No.: INH100001948) is circulated for purely information purpose only to the authorized recipient and should not be replicated or quoted or circulated to any person/corporate or legal entities in any form. This document/ documents/ reports/ opinion should not be interpreted as an Investment / taxation/ legal advice. While the information contained in the report has been procured in good faith, from sources considered to be reliable, all statement/statements/opinion/opinions/view/views in the report may not be considered to be complete or accurate. Therefore, it should only be relied upon at the recipients own risk.

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Analyst Certification: The matter related to the report has been taken from sources believed reliable and the views expressed about the subject or issues in this report accurately reflect the personal views of the analyst/analysts. IBN Services (Prop. Manish Kumar Sarraf) does not compensate partly or in full, directly or indirectly, related to specific recommendations or views expressed by the research analyst / market strategists.

I/ We (Manish Kumar Sarraf, Prop.: IBN Services) are registered under SEBI (Research Analyst) Regulation 2014, with Reg. No.: INH100001948

Office Address: IBN Services, (Prop.: Manish Kumar Sarraf)

K-7, 2nd Floor, Bal Udhayan Road, Uttam Nagar, New Delhi-110059, India.

Tel.: 91 11 28565999, Mob.: 91 9899909899, 9968443444  Email: info@ibnservices.in Website: www.ibnservices.in

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